Friday, April 27, 2012

Chapter 2 - Paragon an Ally or an Enemy

Tsubaka had reached Bree and decided to rest there, in the Inn. “Sora, what do you think, those Orcs they had a white hand on them. It must mean something,” Tsubaka said to his raven friend. Sora looked confusingly at Tsubaka, “Heh, I guess we’ll find out when we get to Mr. Radgast.” A few moments later Tsubaka reached The Prancing Pony. “Something to drink, Barliman Butterbur,” Tsubaka said.
“Right away, Tsubaka,” Barliman said looking at Tsubaka who was looking at an article in the paper, “What are you looking at there youngling’?”
“This article for Kinships, do you know what there about?” Tsubaka asked.
“Aye, I do. Kinships are a brotherhood of different people all fighting for a certain cause. Each kinship is unique in there own way with different rules and different causes,” Barliman told Tsubaka.
“Oh,” Tsubaka replied, “Hmmm, this kin looks interesting, Paragon. Do you know who these 3 names are: Takeshi, Atsushi and Orochi?”
“Aye, I do, one of them is sitting in the corner over there,” Barliman pointed out a man sitting in the corner, smoking pipe weed and drink some ale. It had send shivers down Tsubaka’s spine seeing that man it had given Tsubaka the creeps. “Why don’t you go over and introduce yourself.”
Tsubaka looked over and thought that the man might be aligned with the orcs that had attacked his parents. “I think I’ll go and retire for the night.” Tsubaka went to his room, the room had one bed with two nightstands each had an oil-lamp placed on it, which had been lit for sometime. Tsubaka took the newspaper and read out loud to no one in particular, “Paragon, Of the Relic, Mellon en Mellonamin, The Mercenaries, and Brotherhood of the Wolves, so many choices but why does Paragon stick out the most.” The image of the man came to Tsubaka again, and again it sent shivers down his spine. “It’s probably nothing, Sora. I’m just overreacting, the man was in a darkly lit area, and it would have spooked anyone.” Tsubaka started to relax; he turned the lamps off and started to doze peacefully to sleep.
A few hours later…
There was screaming, buildings were burning and everyone was running scared, with all this Tsubaka woke up and looked outside. He had seen what was starting all this commotion the orcs with white hands placed on them. Tsubaka took his staff, his cloak and his hat and headed out of the inn.
“We fight to the end,” a guard had said before he was knocked out.
“Puny humans can’t stand up to the might of the ‘White-Hand Orcs’,” an orc said.
“You must be leader, then, I assume of this band of orcs,” Tsubaka replied in snide tone.
“What of it, puny human.”
“You disturbed my sleep, now you shall feel my wrath.”
“Hahaha, your wrath, I’d like to see that.”
“The forces of nature, come to me and help drive this orcs from this town, I call forth the power of Lightning,” Tsubaka said, while moving is staff in a circular direction. Above him storm clouds started to appear moving in a circular direction with Tsubaka’s Staff. “Now STRIKE MY ENEMY!” Three lightning bolts struck the leader and wounded him tremendously. “Get out you filthy orc, and never show your face again.”
The Orc had said, “When you see me again I’ll crush you puny human.” The whole orc force retreated towards the south and left the sight of Bree behind them.
“I’m impressed with your power,” a man said coming from the shadows.
“Who are you?” Tsubaka asked getting ready for an attack.
“Calm down, I mean you no harm, I am Takeshi, Officer of Paragon,” he said bowing to Tsubaka, “I have never seen such tremendous power from a new loremaster.”
“Heh,” Tsubaka said dropping to the ground. The attack Tsubaka had used was too powerful for him and it had taken a toll on him. Tsubaka whistled and his bear friend Ichigo came to his aid. “Take me to Radgast, Ichigo. And thank you, Takeshi, that attack has taxed me. Until we meet again, Tsubaka”
“Until we meet again.”

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