Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Chapter 4 The Hunger

Author's Note:
The names for the people in the story are names I thought suited the way the acted in the game. This story is kinda of a personal "diary" so to speak of Tsubaka's journey through Middle Earth. Tsubaka and all other characters, if you didn't know already, are based of the game Lord of the Rings Online. While the kinship's name, I didn't want to rename I was asked to rename the people's username for their RPG character because people didn't like that I did that so I thought of what names I wanted to use other than the characters that preside in the LOTR (i.e. Gandalf the Grey, or Frodo) so I chose Japanese names for the Free People of Middle Earth and for "Creeps" I used Irish names... kinda of weird don't you think? Irish vs Japanese. I don't know what I was thinking at the time. Anyways enjoy the rest of Tsubaka's Tale.

Tsubaka was in the medical room at the kin house trying to fall asleep but thoughts raced through his mind. It was hours later when he started to drift off into a deep sleep.

Hunger. Thirst. Blood. Death. Those thoughts raced through his mind as the transformation began. His legs and hands turned into paws, then he started to hunch over, fur started to grow and within moments he turned a warg.

Throughout the night he ravaged towns and villages. Setting them on fire and yet his thirst was not quenched. That was until Takeshi showed up and somehow he knew if he killed him he would feel complete, no longer thirsty. Tsubaka started the battle by lunging at his enemies neck. Takeshi blocked the attack with his shield and countered with his spear. He started retreat knowing he could not win against a skilled warden. Takeshi threw his spear into his back and Tsubaka collapsed with the hit.

"Sorry, Tsubaka but there is no choice. You betrayed all of us. So I'm putting you down," Takeshi said making a snide face while thrusting his spear into Tsubaka.

Tsubaka woke up drenched in sweat and breathing heavily. Everything was soaked in his sweat. So he got out of bed and took his clothes off and hung them up as well as his blankets and sheets. After that he got startle by a dwarf. "Ah, what are you doing in her?" Tsubaka asked while covering himself up.

"Eh, don't worry about me. I'm just her to make sure nothing bad happens to you. I'm the kin's runekeeper Kenta," he said, "Do you require any assistance?"

"No but could you leave for a second I need to dry my clothes," Tsubaka replied back

"No can do pup Takeshi told me to keep an eye on you and stay in here

 "Could you close your eyes?"


He sighed exasperated, he begun to chant, "Fire and Wind heed my call and come to my aide in this time of need." Hot air began to flow in to the room blowing fiercely on his clothes and blankets. It was just a matter of minutes before his clothes were dry as a bone. "I've never heard of a runekeeper before what do you do? Tsubaka curiously asked while putting his clothes back on.

"Well as a runekeeper its my job to keep everyone safe from harm and to keep everyone healed with stones that have word etched in them."

"Huh, that's interesting," Tsubaka yawned sleepily, "Anyways, I'm still tired so I'd best get back to sleep."

"Goodnight, pup."

It was about and hour later when Kenta got up and left the room. As soon as he shut the door Takeshi was right behind, "How's he doing?" He nodded at the door.

Kenta looked serious and said, "Aside for the hellish nightmare he had an hour ago, he is doing fine."

"Hm," Takeshi paused for a moment to think, "Please continue to keep on eye on him."

"Sure as soon as use the bathroom."

----Inside the Dream that Tsubaka was having----

"Where am I?" Tsubaka asked out loud. As soon as he said that he was in what looked like descriptions of Hell, even though it was Angmar.

"You will be mine, loremaster," said the Witch King, "By sundown tomorrow you will join my forces."

"NEVER," screamed Tsubaka.

"You don't have a choice. If you want to save your parents come to the Ettenmoors before sundown tomorrow."

---- End of the Dream----
To be continued in Chapter 5 - The Final Day

Friday, April 27, 2012

Chapter 3 - Enter in Paragon

Part 1 - Who owns the White Hand Orcs?
Ichigo, Tsubaka’s pet bear, arrived in Ost Guruth. The soldiers immediately took Tsubaka to Radgast’s Tower. “You really did a number on yourself Tsubaka,” Radgast said. Tsubaka moaned and fell into a deep consciousness.
A few days later….
“Where… am… I?” Tsubaka said moaning.
“Here drink this,” Radgast said giving Tsubaka a green potion, “It’s an altheas potion.”
Tsubaka took a sip of the potion, bitter it was, but it had given him quite of comfort. “Radgast, sir, I had seen orcs, that bared a symbol of a white hand. I have never seen these types of orcs before they did not come from the Lone-Lands.”
“Hm, this is quite disturbing news you have Tsubaka,” Radgast stated.
“Yes, and they also took my parents.”
Radgast looked shocked at Tsubaka, “They took your parents. You sure they didn’t kill them.”
“I’m sure, teach.”
“Then this is very bad, one of my friends, uses that very same symbol but to represent peace not war. Tsubaka you must promise me this not to go looking after me until the 2nd full moon. I will talk to this friend of mine and see what is up.”
“Yes sir.”
“In the meanwhile I rummaged through or belongings and found an article that you circled, ‘Kinship: Paragon seeks new members.’ I would like for you to follow up on this and go to the Ettenmoors, a place between the Trollshaws and Angmar and searched for the one they call ‘Takeo’.”
“Yes, sir.”
Radgast gathered his stuff and set foot towards Eregion while Tsubaka took the path to the Ettenmoors.
Part 2 - Freeps vs. Creeps, Run for your life Tsubaka
Tsubaka arrived in the Ettenmors in a quaint area called “Glan Vraig” and asked one of the people that were walking around, “Excuse me, where can I find the hobbit named ‘Takeo’.”
“He is at the bridge near the encampment and Tol Ascarnen,” the man said, “You’ll have to go through the forest, so beware.
“Thank you,” Tsubaka bowed to him and left.
When Tsubaka got outside of the area of “Glan Vraig” and was bombarded with a song that kept repeating “This is Ettenmoors“. “Sora, come, we must find Takeo,” Tsubaka said going into forest following a path. The forest was dark and creepy looking; he could swear he heard twigs snap and footsteps. He reached an encampment full of elves but before he could enter he was entangled by a web. “What is going on?” Tsubaka asked out loud.
“What’s going on, my dear dinner, well that’s what going on,” a wolf like creature said.
“He’s a loremaster, and a Manling at that, my dear brother Conall,” another wolf like creature said.
“That would be tasty,” a spider said.
Tsubaka was surrounded by two wolves like creatures and two spiders. “What creatures are you; I can’t talk to you telepathically.”
“I guess we could entertain our dinner, I always love to let our victims have their last wish, “Conall said, “Kegan would like to start the story.”
“Ah, yes born in Angmar we were and sent here to tear the freeps up and eat them and make sure they don’t get into the secret way into Angmar and destroy Angmar easily,” Kegan said, “Cordelia would like to finish.”
“I think you summed it all up,” Cordelia said, “What do you think Kaie?”
“I think this freep is afraid of us,” Kaie said.
“Of course I am your surrounding me, it’s a natural fear that we humans have,” Tsubaka said.
“Well, then we should eat you quick,” Conall said trying to pounce Tsubaka. Tsubaka dodged the attacked and then all the creeps started to attack.
“Anger consume in this fire, and strike my enemy,” Tsubaka said throwing fire at one of the wargs, it had hit and the warg yelped. The fight kept going on for ten minutes with Tsubaka evading and dodging attacks until Tsubaka made a mistake and got hit by a poison shot from one of the spiders, then a warg had attacked him.
“Hm, where should I take a bite at you, the jugular will drain a lot of blood or should I,” Conall said before he was interrupted by a loud cry. “Oh Takeo is coming so I only get a taste of you,” Conall said smirking while biting into Tsubaka’s neck.
“AH!!!!!!!!” Tsubaka cried out loud.
“Take this warg,” Takeo said while swing his sword.
“Let’s get out of here guys our target has been attacked,” Kaie said, “We’ll tell the boss we did the job.”
“Uh,” Tsubaka said while getting up.
“You’re hurt.”
“I know. Are you Takeo?”
“Yes, I am. Why do I ask?”
“My mentor told me to see you about apply for membership in your kin.”
“Ah, Ellouhollia can you port us to Thorin’s Hall, I think we are done here,” Takeo said.
“Will do,” Ellouhollia said while finding the quickest path to Thorin’s Hall. In a flash they went from Ettenmoors to Thorin’s Hall.
Part 3 - Initiation
Upon arriving in Thorin’s Hall, Takeo paid the Stable Master some money, “Your fastest horses to Falathlorn homesteads.”
“Yes sir, right away.”
A few minutes later they arrived to the homesteads. “We live in the area of Bruniach, nice place,” Takeo stated.
“Uh huh,” Tsubaka said half-heartedly.
“Are you okay?”
“A little woozy but overall fine.”
“Well will have our minstrel and rune keeper look after you when we get there.”
“A rune keeper those are rare and a sight to see.”
“Yes, ah here we are, 5 Waterbank Road.”
Tsubaka looked at the amazing stuff that was outside, banners, picnic tables, and even a large tent. “Wow,” Tsubaka exclaimed.
“So what’s your name,” Takeo said getting off of his pony.
“Oh I forgot to introduce myself my name is Tsubaka, Loremaster, Apprentice of Radgast the Brown,” Tsubaka said bowing to the hobbit.
“Ah, Radgast, yeah I helped him out once, the wights in Garth Argwen, nice guy,” Takeo said opening the door to the house. The house was filled with all sorts of odd trophies hanging from the wall or just standing out in plain sight. “Anyone here?” Takeo yelled it had echoed like it was empty but the house was just that big.
“Aye, ye don’t need to yell,” a dwarf said.
“Ah, meet Atsushi, our dwarf of many beers,” Takeo said.
“And he has many talents, like smelling bad,” someone else said.
“Bah, ye elves no nothing of what dwarf can do, stupid treehuggers, ye are,” Atsushi said, “And what be ye name.”
“I am Tsubaka Inoue, Loremaster, Apprentice to Radgast the Brown, Master Dwarf,” Tsubaka said.
“Aye, ye see at least this manling shows some respect, unlike ye Takeshi or ye Orochi,” Atsushi said.
“Don’t do that, it will go only to his head,” Takeshi said.
“Hehehe,” Tsubaka laughed, “It’s funny because it’s like a family to get into these small quarrels.” Tsubaka started to look sullen. The memory flooded back into his brain he had almost forgotten why he set out to find out who was behind the attack that took his parents away from him.
“So, what seems to be the problem,” another dwarf said looking at Tsubaka, “Oh my what a nasty warg bite, hmmmm. I think it’s healing just nicely but let me apply a little healing to it. Oh.”
“Huh? What’s the problem?” Tsubaka questioned.
“That’s no ordinary warg bite, that’s a bite from a warg that makes people into were-wargs, oh I’m sorry I did forget to introduce myself I am Starlin, Rune keeper,” Starlin stated.
“Yes, I’m afraid so by the next full moon you’ll turn into a were-warg.”
“Well than, while he’s still human I think, Tsu, should be allowed into the kin, from what Tarj had told me he’s a very powerful loremaster, probably even more powerful than Ace,” Orochi said, “I’m the leader of Paragon and I hereby declare Tsubaka Inoue Member of Paragon.”
“Here, here,” everyone said.
“But what about my were-warg the next full moon is tomorrow,” Tsubaka said nervously.
“Aye, that is a problem,” Atsushi said.
“Wait, I have an idea. Master Dwarf you are an excellent craftsman right,” Tsu said.
“Aye I am.”
“Can you craft a bracelet so that all of you will know who the were-warg is?”
“Aye, I can but for now some ale to celebrate there is no need to spoil a good party.”
“For once I agree with Atsushi, there is no reason to spoil a good party,” Takeshi said.
“Tomorrow before the sun goes down, ye will have your bracelet,” Atsushi said while drinking a pint of ale.
“Thank you and I’ll take a pint only please,” Tsubaka said.

Chapter 2 - Paragon an Ally or an Enemy

Tsubaka had reached Bree and decided to rest there, in the Inn. “Sora, what do you think, those Orcs they had a white hand on them. It must mean something,” Tsubaka said to his raven friend. Sora looked confusingly at Tsubaka, “Heh, I guess we’ll find out when we get to Mr. Radgast.” A few moments later Tsubaka reached The Prancing Pony. “Something to drink, Barliman Butterbur,” Tsubaka said.
“Right away, Tsubaka,” Barliman said looking at Tsubaka who was looking at an article in the paper, “What are you looking at there youngling’?”
“This article for Kinships, do you know what there about?” Tsubaka asked.
“Aye, I do. Kinships are a brotherhood of different people all fighting for a certain cause. Each kinship is unique in there own way with different rules and different causes,” Barliman told Tsubaka.
“Oh,” Tsubaka replied, “Hmmm, this kin looks interesting, Paragon. Do you know who these 3 names are: Takeshi, Atsushi and Orochi?”
“Aye, I do, one of them is sitting in the corner over there,” Barliman pointed out a man sitting in the corner, smoking pipe weed and drink some ale. It had send shivers down Tsubaka’s spine seeing that man it had given Tsubaka the creeps. “Why don’t you go over and introduce yourself.”
Tsubaka looked over and thought that the man might be aligned with the orcs that had attacked his parents. “I think I’ll go and retire for the night.” Tsubaka went to his room, the room had one bed with two nightstands each had an oil-lamp placed on it, which had been lit for sometime. Tsubaka took the newspaper and read out loud to no one in particular, “Paragon, Of the Relic, Mellon en Mellonamin, The Mercenaries, and Brotherhood of the Wolves, so many choices but why does Paragon stick out the most.” The image of the man came to Tsubaka again, and again it sent shivers down his spine. “It’s probably nothing, Sora. I’m just overreacting, the man was in a darkly lit area, and it would have spooked anyone.” Tsubaka started to relax; he turned the lamps off and started to doze peacefully to sleep.
A few hours later…
There was screaming, buildings were burning and everyone was running scared, with all this Tsubaka woke up and looked outside. He had seen what was starting all this commotion the orcs with white hands placed on them. Tsubaka took his staff, his cloak and his hat and headed out of the inn.
“We fight to the end,” a guard had said before he was knocked out.
“Puny humans can’t stand up to the might of the ‘White-Hand Orcs’,” an orc said.
“You must be leader, then, I assume of this band of orcs,” Tsubaka replied in snide tone.
“What of it, puny human.”
“You disturbed my sleep, now you shall feel my wrath.”
“Hahaha, your wrath, I’d like to see that.”
“The forces of nature, come to me and help drive this orcs from this town, I call forth the power of Lightning,” Tsubaka said, while moving is staff in a circular direction. Above him storm clouds started to appear moving in a circular direction with Tsubaka’s Staff. “Now STRIKE MY ENEMY!” Three lightning bolts struck the leader and wounded him tremendously. “Get out you filthy orc, and never show your face again.”
The Orc had said, “When you see me again I’ll crush you puny human.” The whole orc force retreated towards the south and left the sight of Bree behind them.
“I’m impressed with your power,” a man said coming from the shadows.
“Who are you?” Tsubaka asked getting ready for an attack.
“Calm down, I mean you no harm, I am Takeshi, Officer of Paragon,” he said bowing to Tsubaka, “I have never seen such tremendous power from a new loremaster.”
“Heh,” Tsubaka said dropping to the ground. The attack Tsubaka had used was too powerful for him and it had taken a toll on him. Tsubaka whistled and his bear friend Ichigo came to his aid. “Take me to Radgast, Ichigo. And thank you, Takeshi, that attack has taxed me. Until we meet again, Tsubaka”
“Until we meet again.”

Chapter 1 - Pilot

In the beginning there was Tsubaka… wait no that’s too far. Tsubaka’s parents lived on the outskirts of Bree near the lovely town of Artchet. Tsubaka was actually born in Gondor but the family moved to Artchet. Tsubaka grew up playing with the animals of the forest. One day a man dressed in brown came to visit Tsubaka’s family in attempts to get Tsubaka into a school. There family was poor and could not afford it, but in his eyes the man dressed in brown saw the child and new that he was destined for a great adventure. The man asked the family to consider his other proposition.
“Let me take the child under my wing and teach him the ways of the nature, he looks like he can talk to the animals,” said the man dressed in brown, “I ask nothing of you, I will take him to Ost Guruth and teach him the ways of the Loremaster. For dark times our approaching and we need all the help we can get.”
The mother said, “Will you look after and care for my child as if he was your own, Mr.”
“Radgast, and yes I will, he will be looked after and teached will the most proper care,” Radgast said.
“Then so be it, take him under your wing wizard and teach him your ways so that he will defend the free peoples,” his father and mother said at the same time, “Son come here.” Tsubaka walked over to his parents, “This is Radgast, he is a wizard, a Loremaster if you say.”
“Hello, Mr. Radgast,” he said bowing down at him, “What a pleasure to have a wizard in our house.”
Radgast smiled and said, “I will be taking you under my wing and teaching you the ways of the valar, but because you are not like me you will only have so much power to use. You have heard the tale of the one ring, son.”
“One ring to rule them all, One ring to find them all, One ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them,” Tsubaka said, “Three Rings for the Elven-kings under the sky, Seven for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone, Nine for Mortal Men doomed to die, One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie. But what does this have to do with me.”
“Well,” Radgast replied back, “Some say Sauron the great evil lord is rising up again, I’ve seen Orcs and Goblins attacking my homeland but none survive the onslaught. And since you speak to animals, Sauron sees you as a threat; he despises those who can wield any type of power that can be used against him. So I came here to train you and to help you protect these animals and your parents. It is time to go young one your training begins tomorrow it is a days walk from here to Ost Guruth. We will rest in Bree.”
Both Tsubaka and Radgast left and went onward to Bree and later Ost Guruth in the Lone-Lands.
Many years went by and Tsubaka grew older and wiser in the knowledge of the Loremaster.
“Excellent work, Tsubaka, I am most proud of you. You’ve tamed your first raven successfully, and your able to wield your staff properly and can strike with fire. You have grown to the age and time where you must learn everything on your own. There are many loremaster trainers that will help you. Go back to your family and show them what you have learned,” Radgast said, “We will meet again when the time is right.”
“Thank you Mr. Radgast, I will be on my way, come along now Sora,” Tsubaka said. Tsubaka took the short path to Artchet a most dangerous path filled with Orcs that were strong but for some reason today the valley where the orcs had been was empty. Tsubaka thought that it was the grace of the Valar. He got home quickly and found out his parents were scared, “Mom, Dad why are you scared?”
“The Orcs from the Lone-land and Brigands are planning an attack tonight and there’s nothing we can do about it,” his father said, “But we are so glad to have you home. Let us make you a dinner.”
Day turned into night and people started to board up there windows and doors in attempts to stop the onslaught of orcs and brigands. “Mom, Dad, Sora and I will protect you from any Orcs. I will go on the roof to watch out for them and strike them from there,” Tsubaka said.
The Orcs came and Tsubaka fought valiantly but alas all of Artchet was burned down to the ground and his parents were taken to the East. The orcs had a white hand on there face or chests; he did not know what this meant. He helped rebuild Artchet and went left to set out to find his parents.